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Pratt Parsing

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computer science compilers parsing algorithms pratt parsing recursive descent parsing top-down parsing operator precedence parsing
William Rågstad
William Rågstad
Computer science @ KTH in Sweden.
Parsing Techniques - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article

One of my many hobbies is learning about language design and implementation, including the many parsing techniques1 still used to parse expressions in modern programming languages. The Pratt parsing technique is one such method that I like.

This article will discuss the Pratt parsing methodology and how to use it, provide an example algorithm implementation in Rust, go through lightweight meta-programming and extensibility, compare it with similar approaches like precedence climbing and recursive descent, conduct a simple time and space complexity analysis, and conclude with a brief summary.


Pratt parsing is a top-down operator precedence parsing technique2 used to parse complex expressions with operators in context-free3 formal grammars4, such as programming languages. This technique offers a different approach to parsing expressions with specific operator precedence compared to the related recursive descent parsing and precedence climbing2 techniques. It efficiently manages to parse expressions with different operator precedence5 and associativity6, allowing for both prefix, infix, and postfix positions of operators in language expressions. Vaughan Pratt7 introduced the enhanced technique in his paper “Top down operator precedence” from 1973.8

The main advantages of Pratt parsing include:

  • Simplicity: The Pratt parsing technique simplifies handling operators with different precedence levels and associativity rules and is also easy to understand and implement in practice.
  • Efficiency: The Pratt parsing technique can handle complex expressions in a single pass using recursive calls and loops, making it a good choice for many programming languages.

There are also certain drawbacks to consider. While other parsing techniques, such as precedence climbing, are designed to parse binary operator expressions efficiently, Pratt parsing can handle more complex expressions involving unary operators and other edge cases through recursion.

In some instances, this reliance on recursion may impact performance, particularly when parsing expressions with numerous unary operators or deeply nested structures, which can increase the call stack size and potentially lead to a stack overflow9. However, this is generally not a significant risk or issue in practice. The penalties associated with multiple function calls are often negligible compared to the advantages of the Pratt parsing technique, which typically outweigh the drawbacks.


An expression is a sequence of operands and operators. For example, the arithmetic expression 3 + 4 * 5, equivalent to (3 + (4 * 5)) in infix notation10, and (+ 3 (* 4 5)) in prefix notation (also known as Polish notation11). Expressions can be simple or complex, and they can involve different types of operators, such as arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), logical operators (&&, ||, !), comparison operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=), and others.

Humans vs. Computers

As humans, we are used to reading and writing mathematical expressions in infix notation and often omit parentheses as we intuitively know the order of operations. However, a computer must explicitly know the order of operations to evaluate a mathematical expression in text format. Therefore, parsing algorithms are essential for computers to understand how to parse expressions, and this is where techniques like Pratt parsing come into play.


The Pratt parsing algorithm is related to precedence climbing but uses an operator precedence table to determine the evaluation order. Pratt parsing is based on the concept of top-down operator precedence8, separating it from other distinct techniques. In contrast to recursive descent parsing that relies on grammar rules, Pratt parsers offer a different approach to handling operator precedence via functions or data structures instead of grammar rules and recursive program flow. And Pratt parsing uses both loops and recursion to parse expressions uniquely.


  • The implementation for the lexer is not included. For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume we already have a lexer producing tokens using next_token() and peek_token() from the input stream. This step is usually called lexical analysis.

  • The code snippets provided are written in Rust and are simplified for illustrative purposes. Therefore, consider them as pseudocode and adapt them to your specific use case.

Let’s consider the following parser implementation in Rust:

struct Parser {
    pub lexer: Lexer, // Omited for simplicity
    pub operators: HashMap<Symbol, Operator>,
type Symbol = String;

The Parser struct contains a mapping of operator symbols to Operator structs. Each Operator contains information, such as its precedence, position, and associativity.

struct Operator {
    precedence: Precedence,
    position: Position,
    associativity: Associativity,
type Precedence = u16;
enum Position {
enum Associativity {

The Parser methods parse expressions and construct an abstract syntax tree12 (AST), representing the intrinsic expression’s structure as a tree-like data structure.

enum Ast {
    Binary(Box<Ast>, Symbol, Box<Ast>),

Top-level expressions are all accepted compound expressions that can be parsed directly from the input without any previous context. The parse_top_expr method is the entry point for parsing a new expression in this example implementation.

fn parse_top_expr(&mut self) -> ParseResult {
    let lhs = self.parse_primary()?;
    self.parse_expr(lhs, 0)

The parse_top_expr method first parses the primary expression, the starting point of any expression. It then calls the parse_expr method to parse the rest of the expression with a precedence level 0.

fn parse_primary(&mut self) -> Result<Ast, ParseError> {
    match self.lexer.next_token()? {
        Token::Number(n) => Ok(Ast::Number(n)),
        Token::Identifier(id) => Ok(Ast::Identifier(id)),
        _ => Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken),

The parse_expr method is a recursive method that uses precedence climbing using a while loop to parse the expression with operators of increasing precedence. It checks the next token in the input and compares its precedence with the minimum precedence level required to parse the following expression, initially min_prec and then curr_op.precedence.

fn parse_expr(&mut self, mut lhs: Ast, min_prec: Precedence)
    -> ParseResult {
    while let Some((curr_sym, curr_op)) = self.check_op(
        self.lexer.peek_token(), min_prec) {
        self.lexer.next_token()?; // Consume op token
        let mut rhs = self.parse_primary()?;
        while let Some((_, next_op)) = self.check_op(
            self.lexer.peek_token(), curr_op.precedence) {
            let next_prec = curr_op.precedence +
                (next_op.precedence > curr_op.precedence)
                as OperatorPrecedence;
            rhs = self.parse_expr(rhs, next_prec)?;
        lhs = Ast::Binary(
            curr_sym, // Operator symbol

The parse_expr method uses the check_op method to determine if the next token is an operator used in a binary expression. The function check_op helps to determine the order of evaluation in parse_expr by checking the precedence of the next operator token against the current operator as the minimum precedence based on the following conditions:

$$ \begin{align*} \hspace{.5pc} & \ Position = Infix \\ \text{and} \hspace{.5pc} & (Precedence \gt min_{prec} \\ \text{or} \hspace{.5pc} & \hspace{1pc} (Associativity = Right \\ \text{and} \hspace{.5pc} & \hspace{2pc} Precedence = min_{prec})) \\ \implies \hspace{.2pc} & Some(op) \end{align*} $$

Suggested implementation for the check_op method:

fn check_op(&self, token: Token, min_prec: Precedence)
    -> Option<(Symbol, Operator)> {
    if let Token::Operator(symbol) = token {
        if let Some(op) = self.operators.get(&symbol) {
            if op.position == Position::Infix &&
                (op.precedence > min_prec ||
                (op.associativity == Associativity::Right &&
                op.precedence == min_prec)) {
                return Some((symbol, op.clone()));

Now, the input is parsed using the Parser struct:

let input = "3 + 4 * 5";
let lexer = Lexer::new(input);
let mut parser = Parser::new(lexer);
add_op(&mut parser, "+", 10, Position::Infix, Associativity::Left);
add_op(&mut parser, "*", 20, Position::Infix, Associativity::Left);
let ast = parser.parse_top_expr();

The add_op function initializes the operator table with the operators and their precedence levels:

fn add_op(parser: &mut Parser, sym: &str, prec: Precedence,
    pos: Position, assoc: Associativity) {
    parser.operators.insert(sym.to_string(), Operator {
        precedence: prec,
        position: pos,
        associativity: assoc,

Note: Again, the implementations for the Lexer struct and the Token enum are omitted for brevity. The Lexer must also be able to identify the operators and produce the corresponding Token::Operator tokens. A good approach is to give the Lexer a field:

operators: HashSet<String>,

And then check for operators when producing tokens.


Let’s consider the expression 3 + 4 * 5 and parse it using the Pratt parsing technique manually:

  1. parse_top_expr: Parse the primary expression 3 as Ast::Number(3).
  2. parse_top_expr: Parse an expression with a left-hand side Ast::Number(3) and a minimum precedence level of 0.
    1. parse_expr(3, 0): Look ahead and check the next token + as an operator with precedence 10 (larger than 0).
    2. parse_expr(3, 0): Parse the primary expression 4 as Ast::Number(4).
    3. parse_expr(3, 0): Look ahead and check the next token * as an operator with precedence 20 (larger than 10).
    4. parse_expr(3, 0): Recursively call parse_expr(4, 20).
      1. parse_expr(4, 20): Parse the primary expression 5 as Ast::Number(5).
      2. parse_expr(4, 20): No more operators to parse. (End of input)
      3. parse_expr(4, 20): Build and return the multiplication binary expression Ast::Binary(Ast::Number(4), "*", Ast::Number(5)).
    5. parse_expr(3, 0): Build and return the addition binary expression.
  3. The final AST is:
    Ast::Binary(Ast::Number(4), "*", Ast::Number(5))

The AST represents the expression 3 + 4 * 5 as a tree structure, where the addition operator + is the root node, and the operands 3 and the multiplication expression 4 * 5 are the left and right children, respectively. This can be visualized in a tree diagram or as a graph:

graph BT A[+] B[3] C[*] D[4] E[5] A --> B A --> C C --> D C --> E

The tree above is drawn “upside-down”, with the root node at the bottom and the leaves at the top. Branches higher in the tree have higher precedence, so that the tree structure reflects the evaluation order of operations in the expression. At the bottom is the addition operation, which has the lowest precedence, and is evaluated last.

Meta-Programming and Extensibility

Starting from the implementation previously described, we can also allow our language users to extend the set of operators via meta-programming, which is an unusual additional mechanism beyond the basic Pratt parsing method.

The language should first and foremost have support for defining functions and referencing them in the expression by name. In interpreters, functions and variables are stored in an environment during runtime: a hash map or a symbol table.

struct Environment {
    functions: HashMap<Identifier, Function>,
    variables: HashMap<Identifier, Value>,
    operators: HashMap<Symbol, Identifier>,
type Identifier = String;
enum Value {
struct UserFunction {
    params: Vec<String>,
    body: Ast,
enum Function {
    BuiltIn(fn(Vec<Ast>, &mut Parser, &mut Environment) -> Value),

For example, a unique built-in meta-function can dynamically add new operators to the parser in an interpreted language. The fictional scenario below demonstrates how the built-in add_op function can be used to add a new operator ^ for exponentiation:

> 5 ^ 2
# Error: Operator ^ is not defined
> fn pow(x, y) {
    let res = 1
    while y > 0 { res *= x; y -= 1 }
    return res
# pow function added
> add_op("^", pow, 30, "infix", "left")
# Operator ^ added
> 5 ^ 2

The native add_op function (Function::BuiltIn) can be implemented quite easily by updating both the operators field in the Parser struct and the operators field in the Environment struct so that the new operator can be used when parsing new expression and also during evaluation in the interpreter.

let mut env = Environment::new();
env.functions.insert("add_op".to_string(), Function::BuiltIn(
    |args, parser, env| {
        if let [
        ] = args.as_slice() {
            add_op(parser, sym.as_str(), prec.into(), pos.into(), assoc.into());
            env.operators.insert(sym.clone(), func.clone());
        } else {
            eprintln!("Invalid arguments for add_op");

The code above demonstrates how the Pratt parsing technique can be used in an interactive application environment to dynamically extend the language’s operators at runtime via lightweight meta-programming. This feature is particularly useful in interactive environments, such as REPLs, where users can define new operators and functions on the fly.

Note: The implementation above is a simplified example and does not cover all aspects of a real-world interpreter. It is intended to demonstrate the flexibility of the Pratt parsing technique in an interactive environment.

A full interpreter would require additional features, and is therefore also omitted for brevity.

Complexity Analysis

In this section we will briefly discuss the time and space complexity of Pratt parsing especially for readers considering using it in performance-critical applications. To determine the two complexities, we use Big O notation to describe the upper bound of the algorithm’s time and space requirements. Let:

  • \(n\) number of tokens in the input expression
  • \(p\) number of operators in token stream
  • \(c\) number of characters in the input stream.

Time Complexity

The parse_expr method in the Pratt parsing algorithm has two while loops that each iterate over the input tokens from the lexer using the next_token and peek_token methods, no backtracking is required. parse_expr calls check_op and parse_primary for each token, and the check_op method performs a constant lookup in the operator table using self.operator.get() in \(O(1)\) time. The parse_primary method also performs a constant operation using self.lexer.next_token() in \(O(c)\) time, which we can consider as \(O(1)\) for simplicity as the number of characters is usually small, and we assume the lexer is efficient. Because both loops read from the same stream of tokens, they therefore have a linear time complexity of \(O(n)\). In the inner loop, the parse_expr method recursively calls itself, but this call is actually a continuation of the current state limited by the lexer’s input stream \(n\), so it does not increase the time complexity, only the space complexity.

Therefore, the Pratt parsing algorithm has a linear time complexity of \(O(n)\) for parsing expressions.

Space Complexity

The Pratt parsing algorithm uses a recursive call stack to parse expressions, which can grow linearly with the depth of the expression tree limited by the number of operators in the input stream \(p\), so the space complexity is \(O(p)\). Apart from the call stack, additional space is used for storing the abstract syntax tree (AST), which also scales with the depth of the expression tree and recurive calls in \(O(p)\).

The Pratt parser completly relies on the lexer to provide tokens, so the space complexity of the lexer is also important. In the optimal case, the lexer should be able to produce tokens efficiently via streaming, resulting in a constant space complexity of \(O(1)\) for the lexer. However, if the lexer tokenizes the entire input into a list of tokens, the space complexity of the lexer would be \(O(n)\), but with a slight performance increase as a benefit.

Therefore, the Pratt parsing algorithm has a space complexity of \(O(p)\), where \(p\) is the number of operators in the input (potential depth of the expression tree).


The Pratt technique is one of many parsing methods to parse expressions in context-free grammars. Research in the field of parsing has led to various parsing methods, each with its strengths and weaknesses. This section briefly compares Pratt parsing with the previous methods mentioned.

Recursive Descent Parsing

It is one of the most straightforward parsing techniques commonly used in practice, as it is easy to implement and understand. 13 Recursive descent is a more general parsing technique that can handle a broader range of grammars, including \(LL(k)\). The top-down parsing technique can use recursive procedures to parse input. 14 Each non-terminal in the grammar has a corresponding function in the parser.


  • Simplicity: Directly mapping to the grammar rules, making it highly readable and maintainable.


  • Left Recursion: Recursive descent parsing cannot handle ambiguous or left-recursive grammars.
  • Recursive Calls: Excessive recursive calls might affect performance and lead to stack overflow.

Precedence Climbing

Precedence climbing is also a operator-precedence parsing technique that efficiently handles operator precedence and associativity. 2 It is closely related to Pratt parsing but is specialized for parsing expressions with infix operators and their precedence, making it ideal for arithmetic and logical expressions. It is not suitable for general \(LL(k)\) grammars as its primary focus is on binary operators and their precedence. Though Pratt parsing predates precedence climbing, Pratt can be viewed as a generalization. 8


  • Efficiency: Highly efficient for binary operations.
  • Simplicity: Implemented with a loop and a stack.


  • Complexity: Handling unary operators and other edge cases can be more complex.
  • Maintenance: Difficult to extend and maintain for variations of the algorithm.


The Pratt parsing technique is powerful and flexible, and it can parse complex expressions and handle operator precedence and associativity straightforwardly, as shown in the example above. It is a popular choice for parsing in programming languages and is widely used and adopted by compilers and interpreters today.

I hope you found this post informative and helpful in understanding the Pratt parsing technique and that you are interested in learning more about parsing techniques and algorithms.

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  1. Parsing is the process of analyzing a sequence of symbols to determine its grammatical structure with respect to a given formal grammar. It is an essential step in the compilation process of programming languages. Parsing is used to transform source code into an abstract syntax tree12 that can be further processed by a compiler or interpreter. ↩︎

  2. Operator-precedence parsing is a parsing technique that uses a table of operator precedence levels to parse expressions. It is a type of top-down parsing that can handle operator precedence and associativity efficiently. The technique was introduced by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1961 and later extended by Vaughan Pratt in 1973 in the 1st annual ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Proceedings of the Principles of Programming Languages. pp41-51. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. Context-free language is a formal language that can be generated by a context-free grammar. Context-free languages are used to describe the syntax of programming languages and other formal languages. The syntax of a context-free language is defined by a set of production rules that specify how symbols can be combined to form valid sentences in the language. ↩︎

  4. Formal grammar is a set of rules that describe the syntax of a formal language. Formal grammars are used to define the structure of programming languages, natural languages, and other formal languages. There are different types of formal grammars, such as context-free grammars, regular grammars, and context-sensitive grammars↩︎

  5. Operator precedence is a rule that defines the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with lower precedence. For example, in the expression 3 + 4 * 5, the * operator has higher precedence than the + operator, so it is evaluated first. ↩︎

  6. Associativity is a property of some binary operations that determines how the operations are grouped when there are multiple occurrences of the same operator in an expression. Operators can be left-associative, right-associative, or non-associative. For example, the + operator is left-associative, so 3 + 4 + 5 is evaluated as (3 + 4) + 5↩︎

  7. Vaughan Pratt is a computer scientist and professor at Stanford University. He is known for his work on parsing techniques, including the Pratt parsing technique and precedence climbing. He has also made significant contributions to the theory of formal languages and automata. ↩︎

  8. Pratt, Vaughan. “Top down operator precedence.” Proceedings of the 1st Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (1973). ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  9. In computer science, a stack overflow occurs when a program’s call stack exceeds its memory limits, causing the program to crash. Stack overflows can occur when a program makes too many recursive function calls or uses too much memory on the stack. In the context of parsing, a stack overflow can occur if the parsing algorithm uses excessive recursion or consumes too much memory on the stack. ↩︎

  10. Infix notation is a mathematical notation in which every operator is placed between its operands. It is the notation that we are most familiar with. For example, (3 + (4 * 5)) is an infix notation expression. Parentheses surrounding groups of operands and operators are necessary to indicate the intended order in which operations are to be performed. ↩︎

  11. Polish notation is a notation in which every operator follows all of its operands. It is also known as prefix notation. The notation was introduced by the Polish mathematician Jan Łukasiewicz in the 1920s. ↩︎

  12. Abstract syntax tree (AST) is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code written in a programming language. ASTs are used in compilers and interpreters to represent the structure of the source code in a form that is easier to analyze and manipulate. ASTs are typically generated by the parsing phase of a compiler or interpreter. ↩︎ ↩︎

  13. Recursive descent parsing is a type of top-down parsing that uses a set of recursive procedures to parse input according to a given formal grammar. ↩︎

  14. LL parsing is a type of top-down parsing that uses left-to-right scanning and leftmost derivation to parse input. The LL parsing technique is used in parsers that can predict the next production rule based on the current input symbol. LL parsers are commonly used in compilers and interpreters for programming languages. ↩︎

Parsing Techniques - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article