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Lambda Calculus

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computer science mathematics computation lambda calculus theoretical computer science
William Rågstad
William Rågstad
Computer science @ KTH in Sweden.
Computational Theory - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article


When learning computer science, you will at some point come across the term lambda calculus.1 I remember hearing about it and being utterly confused by what it is and why it works. So today, I will describe exactly what lambda calculus is and how important it is in CS. Without further ado, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of lambda calculus.


The mathematician Alonzo Church introduced Lambda calculus in the 1930s as part of his research into the foundations of mathematics.2 He created a universal model and formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation. Later Alonzo proved that it simulate any Turing machine, invented by his doctoral student Alan Turing.34 Alonzo is known as one of the pioneers of theoretical computer science, and his work significantly impacted the field in general.

Lambda calculus heavily influenced many historical functional programming languages, including Lisp, Scheme, and Haskell. Because they are purely expressive, they allow for reasoning and creating complex logical building blocks. Lambda calculus comes in handy in designing and analyzing programming languages, type theory, and formal verification.


Lambda calculus is a formal system that uses a specific notation to represent functions and function application.

The fundamental syntactical building block of lambda calculus is the lambda term ($\lambda$-term) defined as $T ::= v \mid \lambda v. \ T \mid T \ T$.

  • Variable: A variable $v$ represents the smallest data unit in lambda calculus, used as an argument to functions and bound by abstractions. Commonly denoted by alphanumeric characters or symbols like $x$, $x_i$, $x’$, $y$, $z$, $a$, $b$, $c$, etc. Sometimes, in examples of extended lambda calculi, values such as $1$, $2$, $3$, etc, are used in place of variables.

  • Abstraction: An abstraction $\lambda v. \ T$ represents a function that takes an argument $v$ and returns a $\lambda$-term $T$. In some other programming languages, this would be a regular function such as f(x) = x + 1.

  • Application: An application $M \ N$ represents the application of a function $M$ to an argument $N$. Both $M$ and $N$ can be any lambda $\lambda$-term $T$. Similar to function calls in other languages like f(42).

Optionally parentheses are used to group $\lambda$-terms when otherwise ambiguous. These $\lambda$-terms can be combined via application to create complex lambda expressions.


  • Bound Variable: A variable $v$ is said to be bound in a $\lambda$-term $T$ if it is bound by an abstraction $\lambda v. \ T$, aka a parameter of the function.

  • Free Variable: A variable $v$ is said to be free in a $\lambda$-term $T$ if it is not bound by an abstraction $\lambda v. \ T$, that is, not a parameter of the function. Denoted by $FV(T)$.

  • Evaluation: Simplifying lambda expressions by applying reduction rules to produce a normal form.

  • Redex: A redex (redexes) is a reducible expression in lambda calculus that can be simplified by applying a reduction rule.

  • Normal Form: A $\lambda$-term $T$ is said to be in normal form if it cannot be reduced further by any reduction rule.

  • Termination: A lambda expression is said to terminate if it can be reduced to a normal form in a finite number of steps.

  • Fixed Point: A value $x$ is said to be a fixed point of a function $f$ if $f(x) = x$.

  • $\alpha$-equivalence: Two $\lambda$-terms $T$ and $U$ are said to be $\alpha$-equivalent if they can be transformed into each other by renaming bound variables using $\alpha$-conversion.

In the lambda term $\lambda x. \ x \ y$, we say that $x$ is a bound variable and $y$ is a free variable. It is also in normal form as no further reduction rule can be applied.


In lambda calculus, substitution replaces all free occurrences of a variable in a lambda term $T$ with another term $U$. It is defined as follows.1

$$ T[x := U] = \begin{cases} \underline{\hspace{3mm} T \hspace{3mm}} \newline x & \implies U \newline v & \implies v \newline \lambda x. \ M & \implies \lambda x. \ M \newline \lambda v. \ M & \implies \lambda v. \ M[x := U] \text{ if } v \notin FV(U) \newline M \ N & \implies M[x := U] \ \ N[x := U] \end{cases} $$

$T[x := U]$ denotes the substitution of all free occurrences of $x$ in $T$ with $U$. $FV(U)$ denotes the set of free variables in $U$. This definition is recursive and applies to all subterms of $T$.

Let’s say we want to replace all occurrences of $x$ in the $\lambda$-term below with $z$:

$$ \begin{align*} & ((\lambda y. \ \lambda x. \ y \ x) \ (\lambda y. \ x \ y))[x := z] \newline & \implies (\lambda y. \ \lambda x. \ y \ x)[x := z] \ \ (\lambda y. \ x \ y)[x := z] \newline & \implies (\lambda y. \ (\lambda x. \ y \ x)[x := z]) \ \ (\lambda y. \ (x \ y)[x := z]) \newline & \implies (\lambda y. \ \lambda x. \ y \ x) \ \ (\lambda y. \ z \ y) \newline \end{align*} $$

The only occurrence of $x$ that got replaced was in the second $\lambda$-term. This is because the $\lambda x. \ y \ x$ “shadows” a new $x$ variable local to that abstraction, and thus, substitution cannot occur without ruining that abstraction that so happens to use the same variable name $x$.


This non-reduction rule defines renaming of bound variables to avoid accidental variable captures during $\beta$-reduction (mainly). This is called capture-avoiding substitution.1 Remember, $\alpha$-conversion does not change the structure or meaning of any lambda term.

$$ \lambda x. \ T \implies \lambda y. \ T[x := y] $$

$y$ is a new fresh variable that does not appear in $T$. This way, we can ensure expressions have unique variables that will remain free even after substitution via $\beta$-reduction.

A substitution that ignores the freshness condition could lead to errors: $(\lambda x.y)[y:=x]=\lambda x.(y[y:=x])=\lambda x.x$. This erroneous substitution would turn the constant function $\lambda x.y$ into the identity $\lambda x.x$.


Evaluation in lambda calculus is based on a rewriting system of expressions using a set of reduction rules. If a reduction rule can be applied to an expression, it is called a redex (reducible expression). If you are interested in learning more about the rewriting systems, I have a post on that topic:

Rewriting Systems
·18 mins· loading · loading
computer science mathematics logic rewriting systems relations formal systems

In simplifying lambda expressions, we match the redex with one of these rules and produce a new expression. This chapter covers the most typical reduction rules in lambda calculus and a few more advanced ones used in extended versions.


Beta reduction is the most fundamental reduction rule, driving the core evaluation logic in lambda calculus. It applies a function to an argument (function application) by replacing the formal parameter with the actual argument, essentially removing one layer of abstraction.

$$ (\lambda x. \ T) \ U \implies T[x := U] $$

In the case of a valid abstraction application, we take the right-hand side $\lambda$-term $U$ and substitute it for the formal parameter $x$ in the abstraction body $T$. Thus simplifying the expression towards a normal form by removing one layer of abstraction and application.

Let’s suppose we reduce the self-application function $\lambda x. \ (x \ x)$ applied to itself:

$$ \begin{align*} & (\lambda x. \ (x \ x)) \ (\lambda x. \ (x \ x)) \newline & \implies (\cancel{\lambda x.}\ (x \ x)[x := (\lambda x. \ (x \ x))]) & \text{∵ $\beta_1$} \newline & \implies (\lambda x. \ (x \ x)) \ (\lambda x. \ (x \ x)) & \text{∵ $\beta_2$} \newline & \implies (\cancel{\lambda x.}\ (x \ x)[x := (\lambda x. \ (x \ x))]) & \text{∵ $\beta_1$} \newline & \implies \dots & \text{∵ $\beta_2$} \end{align*} $$

I’ve kept the otherwise removed lambda symbols ( $\cancel{\lambda x}$ ) to show the recursive nature of the function. As you can see, the expression does not reduce to a simpler form, and it is non-terminating. This is not useful for anything exciting, but other combinators based on recursion have more practical applications.5

This fact is crucial for understanding its computational power via recursion which is necessary for Turing completeness, meaning it can compute any computable function.6


The eta reduction rule simplifies expressions by removing redundant abstractions. But mostly, it is an optimization rule and is not strictly necessary.

$$ \lambda x. \ T \ x \implies T \quad \text{if} \ x \notin FV(T) $$

Where $x$ is not a free variable in $T$, this rule is known as function extensionality. In simple terms, if $\forall x, f \ x = g \ x$, then $f = g$. Allowing us to simplify, e.g., $\lambda x. (f \ x)$ to $f$.1

Now let’s reduce a more complex expression:

$$ \begin{align*} & (\lambda y. \ \lambda x. \ y) \ (\lambda z. \ \lambda x. \ z \ x) \newline & \implies \lambda x. \ y[y := (\lambda z. \ \lambda x. \ z \ x)] & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies \lambda x_1. \ (\lambda z. \ \lambda x_2. \ z \ x_2) & \text{∵ $\alpha$} \newline & \implies \lambda x_1. \ (\lambda z. \ z) & \text{∵ $\eta$} \newline & \implies \lambda x. \ \lambda z. \ z & \text{∵ $\alpha$} \end{align*} $$

The step “∵ $\eta$” could have been skipped, and the expression would still be correct. But I wanted to show that expressions with no apparent redexes may still be simplified!


As mentioned earlier, the $\eta$-reduction rule is an optimization rule removing redundant abstractions, but there are more explicit optimizing rules!7

$\eta$-reduction $\text{(Eta)}$Redundant abstractions$$\lambda x. \ T \ x \implies T$$$x \notin FV(T)$
$\xi$-reduction $\text{(Xi)}$Abstraction bodies$$\lambda x. M \implies \lambda x. M’$$$M \rarr M'$
$\nu$-reduction $\text{(Nu)}$Application functions$$M \ N \implies M’ \ N$$$M \rarr M'$
$\mu$-reduction $\text{(Mu)}$Application arguments$$M \ N \implies M \ N’$$$N \rarr N'$


So up till this point, we have talked about the pure lambda calculus in its most basic form and covered the essential $\beta$-reduction rule. However, I feel like we must briefly talk about other extensions to lambda calculus that make it more practical and useful in real-world computation before moving on. So, in this extra chapter on bindings, I will cover a few interesting and advanced reduction extensions of lambda calculi. There are multiple variants of this such as $\delta$-reduction, $\text{let}$-reduction, $\zeta$-reduction8 and $\Gamma$-reduction with slight semantic differences.9


The delta rule allows evaluating built-in functions and their values in extended versions of lambda calculus. These predefined functions are external rules collected under the $\delta$-rule.

$$ \delta \begin{cases} + \ x \ y & \implies \text{eval\_add}(x, y) \newline - \ x \ y & \implies \text{eval\_sub}(x, y) \newline \times \ x \ y & \implies \text{eval\_mul}(x, y) \newline \div \ x \ y & \implies \text{eval\_div}(x, y) \newline \end{cases} $$

This example rules evaluate the arithmetic operations to their numeric values. The eval_ functions are external and run in the host environment, meaning we temporarily leave the lambda calculus to perform these operations.

Let’s say we have a lambda term that uses the $\delta$-rules defined in the previous example:

$$ \begin{align*} & (\lambda y. \ + \ 1 \ y) \ 2 \newline & \implies + \ 1 \ 2 & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies 3 & \text{∵ $\delta$} \end{align*} $$

The expression $+ \ 1 \ 2$ is evaluated to $3$ using the $\delta$-rule.


I wondered if this rule had a name or an existing definition, but I wanted to include it. Hence, I chose to call it the $\Gamma$-reduction rule in this post as soon it will be clear why. I use it in my lambda calculus implementations, and many other programming languages build on top of this concept.

In this extended variant of lambda calculus, we introduce bindings to name intermediate results, storing and reusing expressions in an environment called $\Gamma$. Reduction is then performed by substituting the free variables in the expression $T$ with the values in the environment $\Gamma$ by rule $2$. But first, we need to extend the environment with new let-bindings via rule $1$. Rule $3$ looks for lambda terms in $\Gamma$ Assuming an extended notational grammar of $T ::= \dots \mid \text{let} \ v = T \ \text{in} \ T$.

$$ \begin{align*} & 1. & \Gamma, \ \text{let} \ v = M \ \text{in} \ T \implies \Gamma \cup \{ v \mapsto M \}, \ T \newline & 2. & \Gamma, \ T \implies T[\Gamma] \quad \text{if} \ T \ \text{is not a let-binding} \newline & 3. & \Gamma, T \implies T[\Gamma^{-1}] \quad \text{if} \ T \ \text{is in normal form} \newline \end{align*} $$

Where $T[\Gamma]$ denotes the substitution of all free variables in $T$ with their corresponding values in the environment $\Gamma$ (if any).

$$ T[\Gamma] = \forall v_i \in \text{dom}(\Gamma) \cap FV(T) \ : \ T[v_i := \Gamma(v_i)] $$

Domain and Equality
The domain of $\Gamma$, $\text{dom}(\Gamma)=\{k_1, k_2, \dots\}$ where $\Gamma = \{k_1 \mapsto v_1, k_2 \mapsto v_2, \dots\}$. The inverse $\Gamma^{-1} = \{v_1 \mapsto k_1, v_2 \mapsto k_2, \dots\}$ by rule $1$, overwriting existing bindings. Then we get $\text{dom}(\Gamma^{-1}) = \{v_1, v_2, \dots\} = \text{co-dom}(\Gamma)$. Structural $\alpha$-equality is thus enforced, meaning: $$ a, b \in \text{dom}(\Gamma) \implies \Gamma(a) = \Gamma(b) \implies a = b $$ Therefore $\Gamma$ is a bijective mapping (function) between variables and values. Making rule $3$ sound, reversing the substitution process.

In a non dependently typed lambda calculi, $\Gamma$ is no longer needed and the reduction rule $1.$ can be changed into the simpler definition:9

$$ \text{let} \ v = M \ \text{in} \ T \implies (\lambda v. \ T) \ M $$

This way $v$ is bound to $M$ in $T$ and can be substituted via $\beta$-reduction.

Let’s say we have the following expression:

$$ \begin{align*} & \Gamma = \{ 1 \mapsto \cdots, 2 \mapsto \cdots, + \mapsto \cdots \}, \ \text{let} \ x = 1 \ \text{in} \ \lambda y. + x \ y \newline & \implies \Gamma \cup \{ x \mapsto 1 \}, \lambda y. + x \ y & \text{∵ $\Gamma_1$} \newline & \implies \Gamma, \ \lambda y. + 1 \ y & \text{∵ $\Gamma_2$} \newline & \implies \Gamma, \ + \ 1 \ 2 & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \cdots \newline & \implies \Gamma, \ 3 & \text{∵ $\beta$} \end{align*} $$

Sadly we have not yet covered numeral encoding or the arithmetic operations, so all that is redacted via “$\cdots$”. But you get the idea.

Environments are ubiquitous in programming languages, and this rule is used in many programming languages to store variables in scopes and reference them later.

In contrast to $\delta$-reduction, the $\Gamma$-reduction rule is purely functional and does not rely on external functions to evaluate expressions.


The zeta rule is formalized by the Coq conversion rules8 and extends the non dependently typed lambda calculi with support for let-bindings via pure substitution similar to $\text{let}$-reduction and $\Gamma$-reduction. In contrast to $\Gamma$-reduction, $\zeta$-reduction does not require an environment to store intermediate results. This has both benefits and limitations.

$$ \text{let} \ v = M \ \text{in} \ T \implies T[v := M] $$

The $\zeta$-reduction rule is a pure substitution rule that replaces all free occurrences of a variable $v$ in a term $T$ with the value $M$. This differs from δ-reduction as the declaration is removed from the term entirely.8


A combinator is a lambda function with no free variables and is said to be “closed”.1 They are equivalent to the terms in combinatory logic, a notation to eliminate the need for variables in mathematical logic and lambda calculus introduced by Moses Schönfinkel in 1920.510 That is an abstraction that only depends on its arguments. Combinators can be composed into more complex functions and are the foundational, practical tools of lambda calculus. Let’s discuss the most popular sets of combinators: the SKI basis and fixed-point combinators.

SKI Basis

The SKI basis is a calculus of three combinators $S$, $K$, and $I$. Together, they can represent any computable function in lambda calculus.11 Let’s begin with the simplest combinator of them all.

1. Identity

$$ I = \lambda x. \ x $$

Look how perfect it is; it returns its argument completely unchanged. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. However, doing nothing is surprisingly helpful in some cases. The identity combinator is also a fixed-point combinator. Some use the definition notation with $\equiv$ instead of $=$, but I prefer the latter.

Example $$ I \ I \ I \ 42 \implies I \ I \ 42 \implies I \ 42 \implies 42 $$

As you can see, not that much happened.

2. Constant

$$ K = \lambda x. \ \lambda y. \ x $$

This combinator takes two arguments and returns the first or eliminates the second one. It’s not different from the identity combinator as it doesn’t modify any values.

Example $$ \begin{align*} & K \ 1 \ 2 \newline & \implies (\lambda x. \ \lambda y. \ x) \ 1 \ 2 \newline & \implies (\lambda y. \ 1) \ 2 & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies 1 & \text{∵ $\beta$} \end{align*} $$

We discarded the value $2$ and returned $1$.

3. Application

$$ S = \lambda x. \ \lambda y. \ \lambda z. \ x \ z \ (y \ z) $$

This combinator is more complex, applying one function to another via substitution.11 In combinatory logic, there are no lambdas arguments. Therefore, instead of using $\lambda$-abstraction, we require a combinator that can perform a similar substitution operation on its arguments.12

Example $$ \begin{align*} & S \ K \ K \ 1 \newline & \implies (\lambda x. \ \lambda y. \ \lambda z. \ x \ z \ (y \ z)) \ K \ K \ 1 \newline & \implies (\lambda y. \ \lambda z. \ K \ z \ (y \ z)) \ K \ 1 & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies \lambda z. \ K \ z \ (K \ z) \ 1 & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies K \ 1 \ (K \ 1) & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies (\lambda x. \ \lambda y. \ x) \ 1 \ (K \ 1) \newline & \implies (\lambda y. \ 1) \ (K \ 1) & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies 1 & \text{∵ $\beta$} \end{align*} $$

We applied the constant combinator $K$ to the value $1$ and returned $1$. Because we used the $K$ combinator, the expression $K \ 1 \ (K \ 1)$ is equivalent to $1$, as the second argument is discarded as shown previously.

Fixed-Point Combinators

A fixed-point combinator is a combinator that returns a fixed point of that function (the same function again) when applied to a function. It helps create recursive functions in lambda calculus via self-application.

1. Y Combinator

This combinator is the most famous fixed-point combinator and is used to create recursive functions:

$$ Y = \lambda f. \ (\lambda x. \ f \ (x \ x)) \ (\lambda x. \ f \ (x \ x)) $$

Example $$ \begin{align*} & Y \ (\lambda f. \ \lambda n. \ \text{if} \ n = 0 \ \text{then} \ 1 \ \text{else} \ n \times f \ (n - 1)) \ 5 \newline & \implies (\lambda x. \ f \ (x \ x)) \ (\lambda x. \ f \ (x \ x)) \ (\lambda n. \ \text{if} \ n = 0 \ \text{then} \ 1 \ \text{else} \ n \times f \ (n - 1)) \ 5 \newline & \implies f \ ((\lambda x. \ f \ (x \ x)) \ (\lambda x. \ f \ (x \ x))) \ 5 \newline & \implies f \ (Y \ f) \ 5 \newline & \implies f \ (Y \ f) \ 5 \newline & \implies \dots \end{align*} $$

This combinator is used to create recursive functions in lambda calculus, as it allows for self-application of functions.


Lambda calculus is a universal model of computation, meaning it can simulate any Turing machine. However, its simplicity and lack of built-in data types make it impractical for real-world computation. Until now, we have only discussed pure lambda calculus, which is not helpful for practical computation. But by encoding data types and operations, we obtain the expressive power seen in regular programming languages!

For all encoding definitions, I’ll be using an extension with let-bindings and substitution via the $\Gamma$-reduction rule and an implicit $\Gamma$ environment and no $\text{let}$ keyword, on the form $x = M \implies \Gamma \cup \{ x \mapsto M \}$.


We can encode boolean values in lambda calculus using Church encoding. This encoding represents true as a function that takes two arguments and returns the first one and false as a function that takes two and returns the second.131415

$$ \begin{align*} \text{true} & = \lambda x. \ \lambda y. \ x \newline \text{false} & = \lambda x. \ \lambda y. \ y \end{align*} $$

Currently this is just a notation, but we can use these functions later to easier perform logical operations based on decision trees.


We also encode natural numbers in lambda calculus using Church encoding. However this is based on recursion and successor functions, much like the Peano axioms. The numeral $n$ is represented as a function that takes two arguments and applies the first argument $n$ times to the second argument.1415

$$ \begin{align*} 0 & = \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ x \newline 1 & = \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ f \ x \newline 2 & = \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ f \ (f \ x) \newline 3 & = \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ f \ (f \ (f \ x)) \newline \end{align*} $$

Here I think about $f$ as the 1+ function, and $x$ as the starting value 0. So 2 = 1+ 1+ 0 for example.


We can define arithmetic operations on these numerals using lambda functions. For example, addition can be defined as a function that takes two numerals and a function $f$ and applies $f$ to the second numeral $n$ times to the first numeral $m$.1415

$$ \text{+} = \lambda m. \ \lambda n. \ \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ m \ f \ (n \ f \ x) $$

Here we utilize the notation for numbers, taking advantage of the successor function $f$ to increment the numbers.

Example $$ \begin{align*} & \text{+} \ 2 \ 3 \newline & \implies (\lambda m. \ \lambda n. \ \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ m \ f \ (n \ f \ x)) \ 2 \ 3 & \text{∵ $\Gamma_+$} \newline & \implies \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ 2 \ f \ (3 \ f \ x) & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ (\lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ f \ (f \ x)) \ f \ (3 \ f \ x) & \text{∵ $\Gamma_2$} \newline & \implies \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ f \ (f \ (3 \ f \ x)) & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ f \ (f \ ((\lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ f \ (f \ (f \ x))) \ f \ x)) & \text{∵ $\Gamma_3$} \newline & \implies \lambda f. \ \lambda x. \ f \ (f \ (f \ (f \ x))) & \text{∵ $\beta$} \newline & \implies 5 & \text{∵ $\Gamma^{-1}$} \end{align*} $$

This is a simple definition of addition, but it can be extended to multiplication, exponentiation, and other operations.

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  1. The Lambda Calculus is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using lambda terms. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Alonzo Church was an American mathematician and logician who made significant contributions to mathematical logic and theoretical computer science. ↩︎

  3. Turing Machine is a mathematical model of computation that defines an abstract machine that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. ↩︎

  4. Alan Turing was a British mathematician and computer scientist who formalized the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine. ↩︎

  5. Combinatory Logic is a notation to eliminate the need for variables in mathematical logic and lambda calculus. ↩︎ ↩︎

  6. Turing Completeness is a property of a system of rules that can simulate a Turing machine. ↩︎

  7. Reduction Strategies for Lambda Calculus by Norman Ramsey, and Notes on the Lambda-Calculus COMP 598 Winter 2015 by Prakash Panangaden. ↩︎

  8. Coq Conversion Rules and Reference Manual↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  9. What exactly is delta reduction? answered by cody↩︎ ↩︎

  10. Moses Schönfinkel was a Russian mathematician and logician who introduced combinatory logic in 1920. ↩︎

  11. The SKI combinator calculus is a combinatory logic system of functions that can be composed to form any computable function. ↩︎ ↩︎

  12. ↩︎

  13. Church encoding is a way to represent data and operators in lambda calculus using only functions. ↩︎

  14. A Tutorial Introduction to the Lambda Calculus by Raúl Rojas. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  15. Slides on Lambda Calculus↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

Computational Theory - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article