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computer science mathematics cryptography key exchange security verification digital signatures
William Rågstad
William Rågstad
Computer science @ KTH in Sweden.
Understanding - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article


In secure communication and cryptography, the Diffie-Hellman1 (DH) key exchange is a method of securely exchanging cryptographic keys over a public channel. It is named after Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. The protocol allows two parties to share a secret key over an insecure channel, without sending the secret key directly. Instead messages are exchanged in such a way that the secret key can be derived.


Let’s begin with explaining some fundamental concepts used when calculating keys in the protocol.

Modular Arithmetic

Initially we need to understand the basics of modular arithmetic2. It is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers “wrap around” upon reaching a certain value (the modulus) and start over from zero. This is often taught in discrete mathematics and number theory courses. It is a fundamental concept in cryptography.

Adding 4 in mod 12 visualized on a clock.

Thus all values in a modular system are bound to lie within the range $0$ to $p-1$ for a modulus $p$. This range is denoted as $\mathbb{Z}_p = \{ 0, 1, \cdots, p-1 \}$ and called the residue class modulo $p$.3 However the multiplicative group of integers modulo4 $p$, $\mathbb{Z}_p^* = \{ 1, 2, \cdots, p-1 \}$, is the one most relevant in the DH protocol. $0$ is excluded from $\mathbb{Z}_p^*$ because does not have a multiplicative inverse.

$\mathbb{Z}_p^*$ has an order (aka, total number of elements) of $|\mathbb{Z}_p^*| = p - 1$.

Modular Exponentiation

The algorithm in the DH protocol uses modular exponentiation5 to compute its keys. It is a type of exponentiation performed over a modulus of $p$ with values in $\mathbb{Z}_p$. Exponentiation in modular arithmetic involves computing the remainder when a number is raised to a power and divided by a modulus:

$$ \begin{align*} a^n \mod p = & \newline a \times \cdots \times a \mod p = & \newline (a \mod p) \times \cdots \times (a \mod p) \mod p = & \newline \end{align*} $$

We can try to “optimize” the multiplications by taking the remainder after each repeated multiplication to keep the numbers small during the entire calculation. This results in faster and more memory-efficient computation. However, due to $O(n^2)$ time complexity of multiplication6 and the fact that the number of iterations will still be $O(n)$, which for large numbers of roughly $2048$ bits, is a lot of multiplications and is computationally expensive.
But there is a way to solve this!


This optimized algorithm computes the modular exponentiation by squaring7, in logarithmic time complexity of $O(\log n)$, where $n$ is the size of the exponent. It takes advantage of the binary representation of the exponent and moves from the least significant bit (LSB) to the most significant bit (MSB), also known as the Right-to-Left Binary Method57.

def mod_exp(b, e, m):
    result = 1
    x = b % m
    while e > 0:
        if e % 2 == 1:
            result = (result * x) % m
        x = (x * x) % m
        e = e >> 1
    return result


We can easily calculate,  $5^{23} \mod 97 \equiv 82$,  using the SaM RTL method above, where $e = 23_{10} = 10111_2$.

Step-by-step calculation
  1. $r \gets 1$  and  $x \gets 5 \mod 97 = 5$.

    Initialize the $result$ and the base number $x$.

  2. $[e = 23_{10} = 10111_2] > 0$:
    • $10111_2 \mod 2 \equiv 1 \implies r \gets (1 \times 5) \mod 97 = 5$.

      Check if the last significant bit (LSB) of $e$ in base 2 is $1$. Then multiply the result with $x$ in modulo $m = 97$.

    • $x \gets 5^2 \mod 97 = 25$  and  $e \gets \lfloor\frac{10111_2}{2}\rfloor = 1011_2$.

      Square $x$ and shift the bits of $e$ to the right.

  3. $[e = 11_{10} = 1011_2] > 0$:
    • $1011_2 \mod 2 \equiv 1 \implies r \gets (5 \times 25) \mod 97 = 28$.

      LSB is $1$, so update the result again with the new $x$.

    • $x \gets 25^2 \mod 97 = 43$  and  $e \gets \lfloor\frac{1011_2}{2}\rfloor = 101_2$.
  4. $[e = 5_{10} = 101_2] > 0$:
    • $101_2 \mod 2 \equiv 1 \implies r \gets (28 \times 43) \mod 97 = 40$.
    • $x \gets 43^2 \mod 97 = 6$  and  $e \gets \lfloor\frac{101_2}{2}\rfloor = 10_2$.
  5. $[e = 2_{10} = 10_2] > 0$:
    • $10_2 \mod 2 \not\equiv 1 \implies$ do nothing.

      The LSB is $0$, so no update is needed.

    • $x \gets 6^2 \mod 97 = 36$  and  $e \gets \lfloor\frac{10_2}{2}\rfloor = 1_2$.
  6. $[e = 1] > 0$:
    • $1 \mod 2 \equiv 1 \implies r \gets (40 \times 36) \mod 97 = 82$.

      LSB is $1$, so update the result one last time.

    • $r = 82$.
  7. $[e = 0] \not> 0 \implies$ return the result $r = 82$.

In $\approx 5$ steps we managed to compute $5^{23} \mod 97 = 82$ using the square-and-multiply method, which using repeated multiplication would have taken $22$ steps. The algorithm took about the same amount of iterations as expected from $\log_2(23) = 4.52 \approx 5$, which takes about $\frac{\log_2(23)}{23} \approx \frac{5}{23} \approx 19\%$ of the steps compared to naive repeated multiplication.

If I were to ask you which power $e$ I started with to get to $82$, only knowing $b=5$, $p=97$. You would have to brute-force it by trying different exponents until you find the correct one ($b = 23$).

This is the essence of the discrete logarithm problem.

Discrete Logarithm Problem

The discrete logarithm problem8 (DLP) is the basis for the security of the DH key exchange. Finding the exponent $x$ in the equation  $g^x = A \mod p$  is computationally infeasible for large numbers. No efficient classical algorithm is known for computing discrete logarithms in general. In fact, it is an exponential-time algorithm.8 Given this, the set of all integers $a$ satisfying $A \equiv g^a \mod p$ can be expressed using the discrete logarithm:

$$ a \equiv \log_g A \mod \text{ord}_p(g) $$

The multiplicative order of $g$ modulo $p$, denoted as $\text{ord}_p(g)$, is the smallest positive integer $n$ such that $g^n \mod p \equiv 1$. The order of $g$ is a divisor of $p - 1$, meaning that $\text{ord}_p(g) \mid |\mathbb{Z}_p^*|$.

The order of the generator $g$, denoted as $\text{ord}_p(g)$, is a divisor of $p - 1$ but not necessarily equal. This means that $\text{ord}_p(g) \mid |\mathbb{Z}_p^*| \iff \text{ord}_p(g) \mid p - 1$ for all $g \in \mathbb{Z}_p^*$.

Further analysis why the discrete logarithm problem is hard to solve can be found in the Wikipedia article.


The algorithm is based on DLP. As it is very hard to solve for large numbers, the algorithm is considered cryptographically secure if the parameters are chosen correctly.

sequenceDiagram actor Alice participant Internet actor Bob Note over Internet: Select a prime number p, and generator g Alice->>Bob: p, g Note right of Alice: a = random()
A = g^a mod p Alice->>Bob: A Note left of Bob: b = random()
B = g^b mod p Bob->>Alice: B Note over Alice, Bob: K = B^a mod p   and   K = A^b mod p

Short explanation of the steps above:

  1. Setup: Alice and Bob agree on a prime number $p$ and a generator $g$.
  2. Alice: Alice randomly chooses a secret number $a$ and computes  $A = g^a \mod p$.
  3. Bob: Bob randomly chooses a secret number $b$ and computes  $B = g^b \mod p$.
  4. Exchange: Alice sends $A$ to Bob and Bob sends $B$ to Alice.
  5. Key: Alice computes  $K = B^a \mod p$  and Bob computes  $K = A^b \mod p$.

$p$ and $g$ are public parameters. Both $a$ and $b$ are kept secret, and are therefore called private keys. The numbers $A$ and $B$ are called public keys, as they get sent over the public channel Internet.

Alice and Bob now share the same secret key $K$ without anyone eavesdropping knowing it! The initial numbers $p$ and $g$, and the generated $A$ and $B$ are public and can be shared over an insecure channel without compromising the key $K$.


It is possible to extend this protocol to more than two parties where each agrees on the same $p$ and $g$ and each party chooses a secret key and computes a public key. Similar steps are followed as in the two-party case, but the shared secret key is computed with everyone’s public keys using $ K = g^{a b c} \mod p $1, where $a$, $b$, and $c$ are the private keys of the parties.


As to any technology, there are drawbacks and vulnerabilities to recognize.

Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Everything is fine until Charles comes into the picture. He is not only eavesdropping but also actively manipulating the messages. This is called a Man-in-the-Middle9 (MitM) attack. The DH protocol is vulnerable to this because Charles can generate his own keys, and forward the messages to each of the other parties separately, without them knowing. By doing so, he can decrypt and read the messages, alter them, and re-encrypt them before sending them on to the intended recipient, thereby compromising the encryption and the security of the communication.

sequenceDiagram actor Alice actor Charles actor Bob Alice->>Charles: A Charles->>Bob: C Bob->>Charles: B Charles->>Alice: C

The fundamental issue is that the parties cannot verify the authenticity of the public keys they receive. That is, Bob cannot be 100% sure that the public key he receives is actually from Alice.

Both Alice and Bob need to agree to trust some third party to verify the authenticity of the public keys. This is done via a digital signature10 provided by a certificate authority11 (CA). Before Alice and Bob exchange their public keys, they send them to the CA to be signed by the CA’s private key. After receiving the signed public keys, both Alice and Bob can verify their authenticity by checking the signature using the CA’s public key which everyone has access to. Only then will they trust each other’s public keys, and proceed with the key exchange.

If no CA is available, the parties can use certificate pinning or other forms of authentication to verify authenticity.

Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm

The Pohlig-Hellman algorithm12 is a discrete logarithm algorithm that can be used to efficiently solve DLP $\iff$ (if and only if) either the order of the group $|\mathbb{Z}_p^*| = p - 1$ or the order of the generator $\text{ord}_p(g)$ factors into small prime numbers. Thus the private keys and the shared secret can be computed, breaking the security of the DH key exchange. The algorithm split the problem into smaller subgroups of order $q_i$.

$$ n = \prod_{i=1}^k q_i^{e_i} = q_1^{e_1} \times q_2^{e_2} \times \cdots \times q_k^{e_k} $$

Where, $n = \text{ord}_p(g)$  or  $n = p - 1$, and all $q_i$ are the prime factors of $n$. This algorithm can be used to break the DH key exchange if the prime number $p$ is not chosen carefully.

Because of Pohlig-Hellman algorithm working efficiently when $p-1$ or $\text{ord}_p(g)$ factors into small primes, we can choose a large prime number $p$ such that $p - 1$ has at least one large prime factor to make the DLP harder to solve. This is why it is recommended to use 2048-bit or 4096-bit prime numbers in practice.

To select a sufficiently large prime number $p$, we can use safe primes13 on the form $p = 2q + 1$, where both $p$ and $q$ are prime. Additionally, selecting a generator $g$ with a large order $q = \text{ord}_p(g)$ ensures computations are performed within this large prime-order subgroup, further enhancing security. Safe primes ensure that $n$ has a large prime factor, rendering the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm ineffective!


Before summing up this post about Diffie-Hellman, let’s talk about the security aspects and what to think about when choosing the parameters or using the protocol in general.

The security of the DH protocol relies on good choices of the prime number $p$ and the generator $g$ to make DLP hard to solve, which is crucial for maintaining the confidentiality of the shared secret. Below is a list of best practices to keep in mind when using the DH protocol to ensure secure communications:

Choose a Large Prime Number $p$
Select a prime $p$ of at least 2048 bits.
Using a smaller prime makes it feasible for attackers to use brute-force methods to solve the DLP.
Use Safe Primes13
Opt for $p = 2q + 1$ where $p, q$ are prime, ensuring $p - 1$ has a large prime factor.
If $\text{ord}_p(g)$ or $p - 1$ factors into small primes, attackers can use the Pohlig-Hellman12 algorithm to solve the DLP efficiently, compute the private keys and shared secret.
Select an Appropriate Generator $g$
Choose $g$ with a large prime-order subgroup $\text{ord}_p(g) = q$ of $\mathbb{Z}_p^*$ to operate within.
A generator with a small order allows attackers to exploit smaller subgroups where the DLP is easier to solve using Pohlig-Hellman12.
Avoid Deprecated Parameters
Always use the latest reccomended parameters from industry and trusted agencies.
Using standard parameters with known weaknesses may expose you to other attacks. Such as in RFC 5114 suggesting a group with too small 160-bit $q$ or $\text{ord}_p(g)$ value, NOT RECOMMENDED14 and MUST NOT USE. New updated suggestions in RFC 3526, RFC 7296, RFC 4419 among others.
Verify Public Keys
Use certificate authorities11 (CA) and digital signatures10 or certificate pinning15 to authenticate public keys.
Without proper verification, attackers can perform MitM9 attacks and impersonate parties by substituting their own public keys, enabling them to intercept and decrypt communications.

Careful selection of $p$ and $g$ significantly enhances the security of the DH protocol by maintaining the difficulty of the DLP, thereby safeguarding secure communications in cryptographic systems.


Diffie-Hellman (DH) is vastly used in many cryptographic protocols such as TLS/SSL, SSH, IPsec, and PGP. The main benefit comes from the forward secrecy provided by the protocol, as new keys get generated for each unique session. This makes it more difficult for an attacker to decrypt past sessions if the current key is compromised. With the right parameters and good practices, the Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a secure and efficient way to establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel.

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  1. Diffie-Hellman key exchange by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers “wrap around” upon reaching a certain value. ↩︎

  3. A residue class is a set of integers that are congruent modulo a given integer. ↩︎

  4. The multiplicative group modulo $n$ is the set of integers relatively prime to $n$ under multiplication modulo $n$. ↩︎

  5. Modular exponentiation is a type of exponentiation performed over a modulus. ↩︎ ↩︎

  6. Multiplication Algorithm is a method to multiply two numbers using a series of additions and shifts. ↩︎

  7. Exponentiation by squaring is a general method for fast computation of large positive integer powers of a number. ↩︎ ↩︎

  8. The discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is the problem of finding the exponent $x$ in the equation $g^x = A \mod p$. ↩︎ ↩︎

  9. A Man-in-the-Middle attack is an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communication between two parties. ↩︎ ↩︎

  10. Digital signatures are used to verify the authenticity of a message or document. ↩︎ ↩︎

  11. A certificate authority is an entity that issues digital certificates. ↩︎ ↩︎

  12. The Pohlig-Hellman algorithm is a discrete logarithm algorithm that can be used to solve the discrete logarithm problem in a cyclic group. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  13. Safe and Sophie Germain primes are primes on the form $2p + 1$ where $p$ is also a prime. ↩︎ ↩︎

  14. See discussion in↩︎

  15. Certificate pinning is a security mechanism that associates a host with its expected public key or keys. ↩︎

Understanding - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article